How Clean Are Your Clothes?
“The fashion industry is
responsible for 10% of humanity’s carbon emissions.”
-World Economic Forum
And just like that, the term “clean clothes” has a brand new meaning. That’s why we carefully consider our environmental impact every step of the way – from thread to finish. Every piece in our line is constructed from plant-based Lenzing Tencel™, or Lenzing MicroModal™.
Our Lenzing™ fabrics are made from the pulp of certified sustainably-harvested beech trees and fast-growing eucalyptus trees. The process of breaking down the wood pulp into thread is a closed-loop system, recovering and reusing 99% of the solvents and water. Our fabric has the breathability and stretchiness of cotton, but without all of cotton’s icky aftermath – like pesticide and fertilizer runoff and tons of wasted land and water.
At IMBŌDHI, we believe in self-reflection and self-improvement, and we want to acknowledge that while Lenzing™ fibers are the best option on the market for eco-friendly fabric, it is not a perfect material. Lycra is a poly-based, fossil-fuel-derived material that gives our fabric its elasticity. The truth is until more advancements are made in technology and materials, we are limited to working with the best solutions available. We’ll always be at the forefront of incorporating new, sustainable materials into our designs.
The fabric for your IMBŌDHI is knit in Los Angeles, then cut and sewn in San Francisco by a group of incredible women. Keeping production local (i.e., not outsourcing overseas to cheap manufacturers with questionable ethics) means less pollution and more community support. All of our products are shipped in 100% recycled, recyclable, and reusable packaging. And high-quality fabric and construction mean your clothes have a longer lifespan, further reducing waste.
At IMBODHI we are committed to becoming a company that emits zero emissions. Our current initiatives at IMBODHI are what we believe to be impactful first steps — the use of sustainable cellulose fibers for our fabric, the choice to make clothing in the United States, and our recyclable packaging — but this is all just the beginning. We are well aware that there’s always room for improvement and innovation on all fronts and we are holding ourselves accountable for the impact that we have on our planet. In 2022, IMBŌDHI plans to invest in carbon offsets that fund global ecological projects. Over the next 3-5 years, we aim to partner with several rewilding nonprofits that share a common mission to reforest degraded land across the US.
Wanna join us in our efforts to reduce our environmental footprint? You can do small things each day like:
Be Aware of Plastic Use
Humans use a lot of plastic. Single-use plastics typically end up in the oceans. According to Coastal Care, about 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in our oceans every year, which is the “equivalent to five grocery bags filled with plastic for every foot of coastline in the world”.
(See Great Pacific Garbage Patch). And this plastic is not decomposing. It’s slowly leaching everywhere: into the water, land, and air.
It’s imperative that we, as individuals, choose to use earth-based and recycled materials whenever possible. Quick ways to make a difference:
⦁ Wear only plant-based fabrics, and avoid wearing polyester & nylon (plastic).
⦁ Use a reusable water bottle and tea/coffee mug.
⦁ For grocery shopping, bring a backpack or canvas grocery bags, and muslin produce bags.
⦁ Look for compostable or reusable items whenever possible.
⦁ If necessary, choose recycled plastic over ‘virgin’ plastic.
⦁ Recycle!
Go Chemical Free
The fabric we use is 100% pesticide- and insecticide-free. It also uses a non-toxic solvent for its finishing. You can also lower your consumption and output of stuff that’s bad for the environment by washing your clothes with 100% natural soap nuts instead of commercial detergents or using shampoos without parabens and sulfates. Use chemical free makeup and deodorant. Your body and your planet will thank you.
Choose Your Energy Provider
Many states allow you to choose renewable sources for your energy. This is the perfect way to make a change to support the reduction of fossil fuel use without changing your day to day lifestyle. See if your state is eligible and earn more about the program here.
Support Local & Regenerative Agriculture
The industrialized food system is a major polluter and contributor to climate change. But if enough people made subtle changes in their eating habits, we could significantly reduce the toxic outputs associated with commercial farming. Swapping just one meat-based meal a week with a plant-based one has a significant impact on your carbon footprint. Instead of buying chemically grown industrialized food, look to what is locally produced near you: explore CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) programs that deliver nutrient dense, fresh, local food throughout the year.
Drink Shade-Grown Coffee
If you enjoy coffee, choose a bean that’s been grown in the shade. Coffee plants actually prefer growing in the understory of a forest. Modern coffee plantations clear cut forests for coffee plants to grow in a monoculture, completely destroying the ecosystem. Shade-grown coffee supports growing methods that are biodiverse, and promotes clean air and water. Greater biodiversity leads to rich, healthy soils, preserved habitat for birds and butterflies, and a more nutrient dense coffee.
Get to know your dirt. Compost.
Composting keeps organic matter out of the landfill and turns it into valuable, nutrient-rich soil. No matter where you live, city, suburb, or country, you have composting options. Many cities now have curbside pickup composting programs. And if you live in the suburbs or more rurally, there are dozens of critter-proof composters on the market.
Plant trees. Even better, plant food trees.
Trees help fight climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the air, storing it, and releasing oxygen. That alone is a great reason to plant them. But if you’re going to make the effort -- why not plant food trees? Growing your own food is also a great way to be more sustainable - so, this one’s a two-fer.
Get Vocal
Your voice will be heard if you decide to use it. Brands are listening -- especially these days. Reach out to companies and start a dialogue about their sustainability practices. You have influence.
Share What You Know
When you share what you know with your inner circle (in a fun-not-annoying-way), you create the possibility of a ripple effect and making an even bigger impact. And we really need to make a big impact. Share what you know and engage your favorite people in conversations that might make a difference.
Keep Learning (Like, forever.)
Stay open and keep learning. New ideas and resources are always materializing and solutions are everywhere.
Do you have a favorite resource you’d like to share? Let us know.