Cut and Sew

A California Community

The force of nature behind the IMBŌDHI cut-and-sew operation in Los Angeles has become like family to us, and to respect her privacy, we will call her Bee. Bee is a wife, mother, grandmother, and successful business owner. She runs a factory of ten women who mindfully and carefully cut and sew every piece of IMBŌDHI clothing, working healthy hours and earning fair wages to support their families in the city.

Transparent Communication

We pride ourselves on the strong channel of communication that runs between Bee, the women on her team, and the crew at IMBŌDHI. Our core team communicates daily with garment creation, and our Production Director makes weekly visits to the factory. We rely on their expertise and value collaboration on all fronts. We know that a regenerative relationship between co-workers is key to creating impactful, quality clothing, and we consider it a top priority.